Cherrybrook SSP Village Square 2 Copy

About Cherrybrook

Indicative artist impression, subject to change and subject to approvals

Frequently asked questions – Cherrybrook State Significant Precinct

The rezoning was publicly exhibited in mid-2022 and finalised on 16 December 2022, what is currently happening?

Landcom has been working through additional requirements on the site with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. We are planning to release the site as a competitive tender to market this year.  

Following a competitive tender process a developer will be appointed to commence delivery of housing within the State Significant Precinct (SSP). The developer will need to prepare and seek approvals for a detailed design development application (DA) before construction can commence. Once this process is underway, a delivery timeline will be determined by the developer.

What is happening around Cherrybrook Station?

The government land at Cherrybrook Station was determined as a State Significant Precinct by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces in 2019.

Landcom sought approval to change the zoning to enable a lively mixed-use centre to be developed next to the station. Feedback from community consultation informed the rezoning proposal, which was assessed by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure and approved in December 2022.

The rezoning proposed amendments to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 and sought approval for a site-specific Design Guide. This planning framework includes controls relating to various aspects of future development, such as building heights, open space provision and setbacks. The application included a Reference Scheme to demonstrate development possibilities under the proposed rezoning. The Reference Scheme is indicative only, the development of the Cherrybrook SSP will require additional detailed planning approvals prior to construction commencing.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure exhibited the rezoning proposal in mid-2022, and reviewed the submissions received and our response to these before approving the proposal in December 2022. 

View the application and reports on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure's Planning Portal here 

The future developer will be required to prepare more detailed plans for the site, which will be assessed against the adopted planning controls.

The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure will be leading a rezoning process that aligns with the Government's priority to deliver housing. particularly near existing train stations. The rezoning will be publicly exhibited by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, for more information on this process please visit Cherrybrook Precinct | Planning


What land was included in the rezoning process?

Landcom prepared a rezoning proposal for 7.7 hectares of government-owned land on behalf of Sydney Metro. The land included the Cherrybrook Station, commuter car park, the station access road (i.e Bradfield Parade), and developable vacant land to the north and east of the station. The vacant land adjacent to the station, covering 3.5 hectares, will be the focus of new development.

A map of the area is available here.

What is the State Significant Precinct?

State Significant Precincts respond to the NSW Government’s strategies for providing well designed buildings and public spaces, healthy environments with open space networks, trees, links to public transport and road networks, and jobs and housing. Due to their significance, State Significant Precincts are assessed by the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure, in consultation with the local council and the local community.

You can find out more about the planning process for State Significant Precincts on the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure  website.

Why did the land need to be rezoned?

The land was zoned R2 Low Density Residential and sits within an area of established low density, residential homes, many of which are on large blocks.

Planning for development around Cherrybrook Station has been ongoing since 2013 to identify opportunities for new mixed use development around the station to take advantage of the easy access to nearby business and entertainment districts provided by the metro. The previous low density residential zoning did not accommodate the mix of uses anticipated for the site in the future.

The approved re- zoning will enable the site to become a thriving local hub for living, shopping, working, going out and community gathering.

Has Hornsby Shire Council been consulted?

Landcom continues to liaise with Hornsby Shire Council to discuss planning for the Cherrybrook SSP. Hornsby Shire Council were consulted during the public exhibition and will be kept updated as the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure continues to review the planning control as part of the recent NSW Government announcement to rezone land in the Cherrybrook Precinct to increase density closer to the station.

What has been approved under the rezoning?

Under the approved rezoning, future development will include a mix of uses such as including retail, residential, services, community and open spaces.

What is the difference between the Cherrybrook Precinct and the Cherrybrook Station State Significant Precinct?

Two separate but related planning processes have occurred in Cherrybrook. In December 2022, The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure endorsed the Cherrybrook Precinct Place Strategy for the area outside of the Cherrybrook Station State Significant Precinct, in consultation with local councils. This plan provides further detail to guide the planning and infrastructure needs for the broader area. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is currently progressing this work through a State-led rezoning process.

Landcom, on behalf of landowner Sydney Metro, prepared the Cherrybrook Station State Significant Precinct (Cherrybrook SSP) rezoning proposal for the government -owned land immediately adjacent to Cherrybrook Station, located on the northern side of Castle Hill Road in Hornsby Shire Local Government Area.

To support coordinated planning, Landcom is continuing to work closely with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure and  local councils.

How much open space and community space will be delivered?

Landcom acknowledges opportunities for the government land to provide public spaces within walking distance to the station. In support of the rezoning proposal, a Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment was prepared in consultation with Hornsby Shire Council to understand future community needs, including the open space and community facility requirements.

The rezoning proposal that was approved in December 2022 included new planning controls to ensure that the future development will accommodate: 

  • more than one hectare of public open space including a village square, community open space and environmental space around the pond and next to the Blue Gum High Forest
  • a minimum 1,300sqm of community floor space to house a multi-purpose community centre, which may include a library.

Will the Blue Gum High Forest be protected?

The Blue Gum High Forest touches the north-eastern edge of the Cherrybrook SSP and will not be adversely impacted by proposed future development. 

The Forest is classified as a Critically Endangered Ecological Community and is protected under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

How tall will new buildings be?

The approved rezoning allows for building heights up to 6 storeys when viewed from Bradfield Parade.  Considering the sloping topography of the site, future development may include an additional lower ground storey of retail and community floor space (when viewed from the north) to assist in activating the public open space around the environmental space and improving passive surveillance. 

The design of buildings will be determined during the detailed design phase, as part of future development applications. Future development applications will be placed on public exhibition to give stakeholders and the community an opportunity to provide feedback.

How have local traffic and transport been considered?

The Cherrybrook SSP will be transit-oriented and focused on efficient public transport connections. Transit-oriented developments seek to maximise the amount of residential, business and leisure space within walking distance of public transport, which reduces the distance residents, workers and visitors need to drive.

This vision for a more sustainable approach to vehicle use is echoed in Hornsby Shire Council’s Community Strategic Plan, “Providing additional road and parking capacity is not a sustainable solution as the increase in trips arising from a growing population and increasing vehicle ownership will continue to outpace the increased capacity.”

Based on the approved maximum car parking rates and minimum bicycle parking rates, the Reference Scheme demonstrated that future developments may include around 376 car parking spaces and 177 bicycle parking spaces. This includes three car share parking spaces, based on one space per 150 car spaces for residential and one space per 80 car parking spaces for commercial.

The Reference Scheme that accompanied the rezoning proposal allowed connectivity through the precinct with new pedestrian paths and cycle routes. These shared pedestrian and cycle routes will link to future routes considered in the Cherrybrook Precinct Place Strategy and subsequent State-led rezoning, creating connections between the metro station, SSP and local schools, bus stops and community facilities.

A Traffic and Transport Assessment was prepared to better understand the proposal’s impact on the transport network and identify recommended upgrades. The study considered the impact of the future growth of the Cherrybrook Precinct, to ensure appropriate future transport upgrades were identified.

How many new people will live in the Cherrybrook SSP?

Under the rezoning proposal submitted approved by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure around 410 homes could be built to cater for around 940 residents.

*Based on 2.3 per household 

How will the plans support housing affordability in Cherrybrook?

Landcom has committed to a minimum of 5% Affordable Housing, to be managed by a Community Housing Provider.

However, the rezoning proposal was approved in December 2022 by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure with an incentive provision in the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 allows for bonus building height and floor space ratio controls subject to the delivery of 10% affordable housing. The estimate of around 410 homes in based on the assumption that the future developer will rely on the incentive provision and deliver 10% affordable housing.  

Affordable Housing is for very low, low and middle income earners 

How will current social infrastructure and transport services cope with an increase in population at Cherrybrook?

Landcom commissioned technical investigations in accordance with Study Requirements issued by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, to identify the social, environmental and economic impacts of proposed development. Studies included analysis of the local road network, and other critical services including power, sewerage, water, health and education facilities. The studies identified any required upgrades to ensure infrastructure has capacity to meet existing and future community needs.

The Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment examined the likely demand for social infrastructure generated by the State Significant Precinct (SSP) area and the Cherrybrook Precinct area. The approved proposal planning framework and Reference Scheme responded to these demands by incorporating a multi-purpose community facility and more than a hectare of public open space within the SSP to cater for the needs of the local community.