Contact us
How can we help you?
We welcome your questions and feedback. To assist you, we have provided some frequently asked questions and answers below.
If you don’t find what you want, just fill in our simple online form below and we will get back to you.
If you prefer to email or phone us, our contact details are below.
Frequently asked questions and answers
Who owns the Sydney Metro Northwest Places land?
The NSW Government owns the land and is committed to developing new housing and spaces for business and community use close to excellent public transport connections.
How can I have my say on the future development of the Metro Northwest places?
We will inform, consult and involve the community in our projects in a number of different ways:
- community information and feedback sessions
- online polls and surveys
- workshops and focus groups
- walking tours.
We’ll let you know about opportunities to have your say through:
- this website
- social media updates (@landcomplaces, #smnwplaces)
- letterbox drops
- advertisements in local papers
- enewsletters.
Subscribe to our enewsletter for regular updates
How can I receive regular updates from the project?
You can subscribe to receive the latest updates from our projects by entering your details in the Get updates form below.
Why is there a focus on medium and high density housing in these precincts?
We are planning places for new communities to live work and play. These are transit oriented developments where communities are built around modern transport, recreation and retail centres.
Can I purchase a home in one of the Northwest precincts through Landcom?
Landcom is the masterdeveloper for Sydney Metro. Sydney Metro owns the land being developed through the program. Landcom will work with Sydney Metro to appoint suitably qualified developers to deliver projects within the program. The sale of future dwellings will be managed by appointed developers.
When can I purchase a new unit/apartment/dwelling?
The development of Sydney Metro Northwest Places will occur over a number of years – up to 10 years for some projects. Dwelling sales for Tallawong Precinct South will likely commence between 2021 and 2022. Dwelling sales will be managed by appointed development partners.
Are there opportunities for other artists to work with Landcom on future public art installations?
Yes. The Public Art Project is ongoing. You can contact the team on 1800 712 292 for more information.
Who do I contact about issues with using the Metro rail service?
Use the Transport information line 131 500 for all transport related questions.
Who do I contact about my parking issues near the Northwest Metro Stations?
Parking on local streets is managed by your local Council.
- Blacktown Council - 9839 6000
- The Hills Shire Council – 9843 0555
- Hornsby Council – 9847 6666
- City of Parramatta Council – 1300 617 058
Who manages the carparks near the Metro stations?
4000 commuter car parking spaces (off-street) will be managed by Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) at Tallawong, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Hills Showground and Cherrybrook stations. Commuter car parking will not be provided at Rouse Hill, Norwest and Castle Hill stations. You can contact MTS at metrotrains-sydney.com.au
More frequently asked questions
By phone
For Sydney Metro Northwest Places: 1800 712 292
By email
For Sydney Metro Northwest Places email: sydneymetronorthwest@landcom.nsw.gov.au
For Sydney Metro Stations: info@metronorthwest.com.au
Media Enquires
Nathan Alexander
Senior Manager Media & Stakeholder Relations
Phone: (02) 9841 8600
Email: nalexander@landcom.nsw.gov.au
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