Hills Showground
The vision
The vision for the Hills Showground Station Precinct (the Precinct) is a thriving local mixed-use centre; a walkable, lively place with strong connections to world class transport and cultural and recreational activities at the Castle Hill Showground. There will be diverse housing for people with different lifestyles, and green open spaces that encourage people to connect with the views over Cattai Creek and the wider Garden Shire. There are three precincts at Hills Showground Station Precinct:
- Doran Drive Precinct (closest to station), will be the first to be developed and will include new homes, a plaza, commercial, retail and community uses.
- Hills Showground Precinct East (closest to Showground Road) is the largest precinct and will include a new residential village with open space.
- Hills Showground Precinct West (next to the Station Car Park) will include new homes, commercial and retail space.
Planning approval
A State Significant Development Application (SSDA) for the concept masterplan proposal for the precinct was submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in November 2019.
The concept masterplan was on public exhibition between November and December 2019. We then undertook further studies and consulted with stakeholders to respond to the issues raised and prepared a detailed Response to Submissions package. This package was submitted to the Department and the concept SSDA was approved in January 2020.
The concept was approved as part of the Department's Horizon Program which accelerates the assessment of major projects that keep the economy moving, create jobs and deliver public benefit.
The approved masterplan
The approved concept includes:

Indicative artist impression, subject to change and subject to approvals
- a maximum of 1,620 homes including a minimum of 5% Affordable Housing for very low and middle income earners
- housing for people with different lifestyles, including one, two and three bedroom homes
- a maximum of 14,000m² for retail, commercial and community uses, including a new supermarket
- green open spaces that encourage people to connect with the views over Cattai Creek and the wider Garden Shire
At a glance
Delivery timing
Doran Drive Precinct under construction by Deicorp.
Hills Showground Precinct East was awarded to Deicorp who have submitted the detailed design for approval.
In the future, we will select a development partner through a competitive tender process to deliver the Hills Showground Precinct West.
2 Mandala Parade, Castle Hill (Doran Drive Precinct)
3 Andalusian Way, Castle Hill (Hills Showground Precinct East)
5- 11 De Clambe Drive, Castle Hill (Hills Showground Precinct West)
Council area
Land use zonings
Local Centre (B2) and General Residential (R1)
Developable land
3.55 hectares
New homes
A maximum of 1,620 homes, including a minimum 5% dedicated to Affordable Housing
Is a thriving local mixed-use centre including a new neighbourhood park