Bella Vista
The vision
Bella Vista will be a vibrant place to live and work, with a mix of housing for different generations. The area will be a hub for business and retail activity and include spaces that support community wellbeing such as a new community centre and a new school.
The mix of housing will cater for different generations, lifestyles and price points, and will include 5% of Affordable Housing for very low, low and middle income earners.
The Bella Vista community will benefit from new outdoor living areas including new open space, local parks, and connections to the natural environment at Elizabeth Macarthur Creek.
Bella Vista is adjacent to the Metro North West Line, close to the established Bella Vista Waters and Norwest Business Park.
There will be three distinct areas at Bella Vista:
- the business precinct will be located next to the station and be a hub for shopping, working and socialising. The area will include shops, offices, cafes centred around a community facility and town square plaza. This new local centre will provide a range of jobs and activities for residents and boost the day and night-time economy in the Hills Shire.
- the residential area will include new homes and local parks which will provide space for active recreation. The Elizabeth Macarthur Creek corridor will also provide walking and cycling connections and passive recreation.
- the local hub will be centred around district open space, and will include a new school, local shops, terraces and other medium density housing.
Community Consultation - new open spaces
Sydney Metro Northwest Places focuses on creating diverse, well-designed places for current and future communities.
From 15 December 2023 until 23 February 2024 we invited the local community to provide input into the design of the open spaces coming to Kellyville and Bella Vista. The feedback has been invaluable to ensure that we design places the community will love for years to come. We are now in the process of collating the feedback and submitting the Development Application to The Hills Shire Council.
For more details please visit our project page.
Planning approval
In December 2022, The Minister for Planning approved the concept State Significant Development Application. The approval facilitates the delivery of a minimum of 3,800 new homes, around 151,000m2 of commercial gross floor area, up to 15,000m2 of retail gross floor area, and up to 15,000m2 of community gross floor area including a new community facility and new school site.
The approval will also facilitate around 56,000m2 of public open space including a new business precinct, a network of open spaces along the western side of Elizabeth Macarthur Creek, and a district a district park.
Find out more about the approved concept.
View the flythrough below to imagine the future at Bella Vista.
At a glance
Council area
Land use zonings
Includes Local Centre (B2), Business Park (B7) and General Residential (R1)
Developable land
21.7 hectares
Open space
Town centre plaza, precinct parks, and cycling and pedestrian paths.
A vibrant place to live and work