The vision
Close to Tallawong Station, The Ponds and Rouse Hill Town Centre, the Tallawong precinct will provide a range of housing, public open space, retail uses, and easy access to the new town centre to the north of the station.
Tallawong is made up of several sites, located on developable government land owned by Sydney Metro. These sites are Tallawong Station Precinct South, Tallawong Station Precinct North, Tallawong Station Terry Road Precinct and Rouse Hill Precinct.
At a glance
Council area
Land use zonings
Includes Local Centre (B2), Mixed Use (B4) and Medium Density Residential (R3)
Developable land
Tallawong Station Precinct South – approximately 4.3 hectares
Tallawong Station Precinct North* – approximately 2 hectares
Tallawong Station Terry Road Precinct* – approximately 6.9 hectares
Tallawong Station Rouse Hill Precinct* – approximately 4.3 hectares
*No planning approval has been obtained for these sites, final developable land will be determined at detailed design
A range of housing, public open space and retail uses
Tallawong Pocket Park
We said farewell to our temporary Tallawong Pocket Park next to Tallawong Station in late August 2021. Thank you to all the people who participated in an activity at our pocket park or simply enjoyed relaxing in the space.