Development opportunities
Development opportunities
Landcom is working with Sydney Metro to create new urban neighbourhoods across 65 hectares of land along the Northwest Metro in Sydney’s Northwest. These new neighbourhoods, linked by the world-class Metro will be connected, thriving and liveable communities for all to enjoy. They will support local access to retail and commercial space, schools, healthcare, recreational and cultural facilities. We call these Sydney Metro Northwest Places.
Housing will be delivered in 7 precincts including Epping, Cherrybrook, Castle Hill, Hills Showground, Bella Vista, Kellyville and Tallawong. The Norwest precinct will provide additional commercial and retail offerings.
Once completed Sydney Metro Northwest Places will include around 10,000 new homes, just minutes from the Metro stations. at Tallawong, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Norwest, Hills Showground, Castle Hill, and Cherrybrook. More than 250,000 square metres of retail and commercial space is planned, stimulating local economic activity, and creating around 16,000 new local jobs.
We have commenced developing these neighbourhoods with contracts awarded for Epping, Doran Driveand Precinct East at Hills Showground, Norwest and South Precinct at Tallawong. For more details please visit Previous industry opportunities | Metro Northwest Places | Landcom
We are continuing to partner with industry as we release further release development sites to the market over the next 5 years.
Watch this short video to discover more about how we are creating opportunities for investment in Sydney’s Northwest.
Sydney Metro Northwest Places – Invest in Sydney’s Northwest
We’re looking forward to continue to work with industry to deliver places that will shape Sydney’s Northwest of tomorrow. Places that will leave a valuable legacy on the fabric of New South Wales.
We will update our Current opportunities page as these development opportunities become available.
For information about future development opportunities at Sydney Metro Northwest Places call 1800 712 292 or email sydneymetronorthwest@landcom.nsw.gov.au