About Cherrybrook
The vision
The Cherrybrook Station Government Land State Significant Precinct (the precinct) is one of the eight precincts Landcom is managing as part of the Sydney Metro Northwest Places program. Landcom is overseeing the planning, divestment and placemaking in the precinct.
Landcom and Sydney Metro’s vision for the Cherrybrook State Significant Precinct is for a vibrant and leafy mixed-use community; a welcoming place that provides a range of housing choices, open space for community activity, local retail and business spaces, a community facility and easy access to the metro.
To achieve our vision, Landcom, on behalf of Sydney Metro, submitted a rezoning proposal to the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure. The proposal was endorsed by the Minister for Planning, and approved by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure in December 2022 through the publication of an amendment to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013. Under the new zoning, development can now include a mix of uses including retail, residential, services, community and open spaces.
At a glance
North of Castle Hill Road and bounded by Robert and Franklin Roads, Cherrybrook
Council area
Land size
7.7 hectares (3.5 hectares of developable land)
New residential dwellings
Around 410 new homes, with up to six storey buildings when viewed from Bradfield Parade
Delivery timing
Subject to approval, up to 10+ years, delivered in stages
Potential land uses
More than a hectare of public open space, a minimum of 3,000sqm of commercial space, and a 1,300sqm multi-purpose community facility
A vibrant and leafy mixed-use community
About the approved rezoning
The government-owned land around Cherrybrook Station is classified by the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure as a State Significant Precinct due to its social and economic characteristics, particularly in relation to the provision of new housing and new jobs.
State Significant Precincts respond to the NSW Government’s strategies for providing well designed buildings and public spaces, healthy environments with open space networks, trees, links to public transport and road networks, and jobs and housing. Due to their significance, rezoning proposals for State Significant Precincts are assessed by the Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure in consultation with the local council and the local community.
The Cherrybrook State Significant Precinct (Cherrybrook SSP) is 7.7 hectares in area and includes Cherrybrook Station, the commuter carpark, Bradfield Parade and vacant land to the north and east of the station. The site is bound by Castle Hill Road to the south, Franklin Road to the south-east, and Robert Road to the north-west. The focus of future development is on the 3.5 hectares of vacant land in the northern and eastern section of the site.
Landcom, on behalf of Sydney Metro, sought to change the Cherrybrook SSP site zoning to enable lively mixed-use development around the new Cherrybrook Station.
The rezoning proposal included amendments to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 and sought approval for a site-specific Design Guide. This planning framework contains controls relating to various aspects of future development, such as building heights, open space provision and setbacks. The application included a Reference Scheme to show development possibilities under the proposed rezoning. The Reference Scheme is indicative only, the development of the Cherrybrook SSP will require additional detailed planning approvals.
The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure exhibited the rezoning proposal in mid 2022, and reviewed the submissions received and our response to these before approving the proposal in December 2022.
View the application and reports on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Planning Portal here.
The future developer will be required to prepare more detailed plans for the site, which will be assessed against the adopted planning controls.
The Reference Scheme
The Reference Scheme and the associated flythrough below is an indicative concept development that was prepared for the rezoning proposal that was approved in December 2022. It demonstrates one way in which the precinct could be developed based on the approved planning controls, however it does not form part of the approval. Future development within the precinct will be subject to further planning approvals
Contact the team
If you would like to speak to a team member about the project:
Call us: 1800 712 292
Email us: sydneymetronorthwest@landcom.nsw.gov.au