Sydney Metro Northwest Places
Who owns the Sydney Metro Northwest Places land?
Sydney Metro owns the land and is committed to working with Landcom to develop new housing and spaces for business and community use close to excellent public transport connections.
How many homes will the program deliver?
We anticipated around 10,000 homes will be built across the program. The number and type of dwellings within each project will vary depending on site planning controls, zoning and other factors.
What kinds of housing will be delivered?
The program will deliver a range of housing choices to meet the needs of people at different life stages, which may include terraces and apartments. Affordable Housing will also be delivered across the program.
What is Affordable Housing?
Affordable Housing is housing for very low, low and moderate income households where rent is less than 30% of overall household income. We use this definition as it’s consistent with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979).
A minimum 5% of new dwellings delivered across the program will be dedicated as Affordable Housing.
Affordable Housing will be managed by a Community Housing Provider.
Find out more about Landcom’s commitment to Housing Affordability and Diversity.
Have your say
How can I have my say on the future development of the Metro Northwest Places?
We will inform, consult and involve the community about our projects in a number of different ways:
- community information and feedback sessions
- online polls and surveys
- workshops and focus groups
- walking tours.
Development opportunities
How can I find out about opportunities to partner with Landcom to deliver new places?
Find out more about development opportunities such as Calls of Interest or Registrations of Interest.
Developable land
What is the program land?
Large areas of land along the Sydney Metro Northwest corridor were purchased by Transport for NSW to support the Metro construction. As construction of Sydney Metro Northwest is complete, the remainder of these sites can be developed into housing and spaces for community and business use.
Community facilities
Will you be providing new community facilities like schools and hospitals?
In our role as masterplanner, Landcom will work with government stakeholders such as Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Department of Education, NSW Health, and local councils to support the NSW Government’s coordinated approach to growth in Sydney's north west, which includes considering future community needs for schools and other important facilities.
The NSW Department of Education is actively monitoring growth and development in the area to provide the appropriate number of schools to meet future need.
How will sustainability initiatives be approached?
Our aim is to create innovative and productive places that demonstrate global standards of liveability, resilience, inclusion, affordability and environmental quality. Through the program, we aim to create a legacy of sustainable places for future generations.
Design excellence
What does design excellence mean?
Landcom is finalising a Design Excellence Strategy in consultation with the Office of the Government Architect NSW (GANSW) which will inform the design excellence framework for all Sydney Metro Northwest Places Projects. The purpose of the strategy is to support the design and delivery of high-quality, well designed places across the program.
Site sales
Can I purchase a house through Landcom?
Landcom is the master developer for Sydney Metro who own the land being developed through the program.
We will work with Sydney Metro to appoint suitably qualified developers to deliver projects within the program. The sale of future dwellings will be managed by appointed developers.
When can I purchase a new dwelling in one of the new Metro Northwest places?
The development of Sydney Metro Northwest Places will occur over a number of years – up to 10 years for some projects. Home sales will be managed by appointed development partners as planning and construction progresses for different projects. Dwelling sales for Tallawong Precinct South will likely commence between 2021 and 2022.
Are there opportunities for other artists to work with Landcom on future public art installations?
Yes. The Public Art Project is ongoing. You can contact the team on 1800 712 292 for more information.
What is placemaking?
Placemaking focuses on the social and cultural importance of creating lively neighbourhood and inviting public spaces where people want to live, work and play. Landcom is committed to building a sense of place and community from day one of the development of Metro Northwest Places by providing public spaces (pocket parks), public art, community events and more. By activating the public spaces around the Metro stations, we hope to help create a sense of neighbourhood and belonging while the actual developments are created over time.
What does 'activating' a place mean?
Place activation creates a sense of place, encourages social connections, improves safety and brings life to the streets. It will be created in diverse ways through art, food, play, performance and community events. Activation projects bring energy to the streets, create new community connections and build the story of a place.
Sydney Metro
How do I find out more about Sydney Metro?
Find out more about Sydney Metro by visiting their website.
Who do I contact about issues with using the Metro rail services?
Use the Transport information line 131 500 for all transport related questions.
Who do I contact about questions related to parking on local streets near the Metro Northwest stations?
Parking on local streets is managed by your local Council.
- Blacktown Council - 9839 6000
- The Hills Shire Council – 9843 0555
- Hornsby Council – 9847 6666
- City of Parramatta Council – 1300 617 058.
Who manages the carparks at the Metro Northwest stations?
4000 commuter car parking spaces (off-street) will be managed by Metro Trains Sydney (MTS) at Tallawong, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Hills Showground and Cherrybrook stations. Commuter car parking will not be provided at Rouse Hill, Norwest and Castle Hill stations. You can contact MTS at Metro Trains Sydney.