Bella Vista
Frequently asked questions
How will traffic and transport be managed?
The approved concept identifies road upgrades to help manage traffic. These road improvements will be delivered in stages in collaboration with The Hills Shire Council and Transport NSW.
To create a welcoming, accessible place for residents and visitors, the precinct will be pedestrian friendly, with a number of local roads and laneways provided within the precinct. A new shared path network will also link open spaces, streets and Elizabeth Macarthur Creek.
Limits to the number of car parking spaces for residential buildings will encourage people to use public transport instead of driving.
What open spaces are included?
Bella Vista will be a vibrant place to live and work, with a strong connection to nature through its open spaces and connection to Elizabeth Macarthur Creek. It will offer the convenience and amenity of inner city living with connections to business, jobs and services.
The approved concept includes around 56,000m2 of open space for current and future residents and the wider community. Landcom will deliver two neighbourhood parks in addition to large open space that will run alongside Elizabeth Macarthur Creek, supporting rest and exercise.
The concept design also includes a large district park located in the north of the precinct, this will be delivered through a separate design and development application process.
How will design quality be achieved?
Landcom is committed to delivering great places for the people of NSW. The approved concept provides a Design Excellence Framework to guide good design. We will work with Sydney Metro, the appointed development partners, Government Architect of NSW, The Hills Shire Council and the Department of Planning and Environment to promote high quality design.
In addition, the approved concept is supported by the Bella Vista Station Precinct Design Guidelines which outline the objectives and provisions to guide future developers when preparing detailed development applications for sites. These two strategies will contribute to maintaining design excellence through the development of the Bella Vista precinct.
You can find the Design Excellence Framework and Design Guidelines in the Response to Submissions section on the Department’s Major Projects webpage.
How does the proposal consider sustainability?
Landcom has a mandate to create great places that are innovative and productive, resilient, inclusive, affordable and environmentally sustainable.
A Climate and Community Resilience Assessment was undertaken on Bella Vista to provide a deeper understanding of the community’s exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to a range of climate impacts. This study looked at the impacts of extreme heat, temperatures and possible future climate scenarios at Bella Vista.
This Assessment was used to inform site specific sustainability targets and initiatives for the approved concept which need to be met by future built form. These targets directly contribute to a net-zero carbon precinct and include specific responses to the urban heat island effect and increased temperatures, including (but not limited to) shading requirements, increased tree canopy, building material selection and green infrastructure.
What housing types will be included?
The approved concept allows for a range of housing to meet the needs of people at various life stages including, but not limited to, young workers, downsizers, families and single person households. This could include housing above shops, units of different sizes and units over multiple levels.
The approved concept also includes a minimum of 5% Affordable Housing for very low, low and moderate households where rent is less than 30% of overall household income, in line with Landcom’s Housing Affordability and Diversity Policy. This Affordable Housing will be managed by a Community Housing Provider.
When will the Bella Vista Station Precinct be developed?
Landcom is the master developer for the Bella Vista Station Precinct and will appoint development partners to deliver the approved concept. Development sites will be released via a competitive tender process, with a range of market opportunities available over the next 5 years. Future developers will need to lodge development applications for buildings before they can start construction.