Bella Vista
Approved concept
The concept State Significant Development Application was approved by the Minister for Planning in December 2022.
The approved concept proposal includes around:
- A minimum of 3,800 homes, including a minimum of 5% Affordable Housing for very low, low and middle income earners
- 151,000m2 commercial gross floor area
- 15,000m2 of retail gross floor area
- 15,000m2 of community gross area, including a new community facility and new school site
- 56,000m2 of public open space including a new town centre, network of open spaces along the western side of Elizabeth Macarthur Creek, and a district park.
Community feedback shaped the concept
In June 2019 the community were invited to provide feedback on the draft concept proposal. After considering feedback, we lodged the concept State Significant Development Application in October 2019, and it was on public exhibition from late October to late November 2019.
The public exhibition provided an additional opportunity for the community to provide feedback. In July 2020, we exhibited the Response to Submissions package. Some of the updates to the concept proposal included:
- changes to the concept proposal layout and the site links to break up the built form and improve connections
- increased public open space
- changes to building setbacks and separations to reflect the intended character of the area
- revised lot sizes to allow for taller buildings
- revised car parking rates to encourage public transport use
- the inclusion of terraces to provide greater housing diversity
- the inclusion of retail uses close to the proposed primary school site
- updates to the tree planting strategy to achieve a minimum 40% tree canopy coverage.