Frequently asked questions
1. What will the heights of the buildings be?
The Local Environmental Plan 2019 (Amendment 23) allows development on the site comprising three main buildings with heights up to 11, 23 and 25 storeys. The site-specific Development Control Plan sets the development objectives and controls for the site, including the bulk and massing of buildings.
2. Will funding be provided for local infrastructure upgrades?
Sydney Metro and The Hills Shire Council have signed a Voluntary Planning Agreement, which outlines the developer contributions that will be provided to fund local infrastructure to support the development. The future appointed developer of the site will be required to honour the Voluntary Planning Agreement.
3. How has overshadowing been considered?
The appointed developer of the site will be required to comply with the overshadowing controls within the site-specific Development Control Plan. The Development Control Plan sets out objectives and controls to ensure that overshadowing does not result in significant loss of sunlight and diminish the enjoyment of public and private open spaces.
Any future development must provide adequate solar access to surrounding residential properties. The Urban Design Report (.pdf 80Mb) demonstrates how overshadowing could be minimised.
4. How many car parking spaces will be included?
The site-specific Development Control Plan sets out the parking objectives and controls for the site. The future appointed developer of the site will include the proposed car parking spaces in their development application.
5. Is there enough demand for a business precinct?
The Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Metropolis of Three Cities identifies Norwest Business Park as a strategic and vibrant business centre for Sydney’s northwest.
The proposed mix of office, retail and short-term accommodation supports the strategy to provide a place for employment whilst encouraging more activation and integration with surrounding uses.