Overview of the Kellyville Station Precinct State Significant Development Application
Landcom and Sydney Metro lodged a concept proposal as part of a State Significant Development Application for the government land surrounding Kellyville Station in October 2019. The applications was on public exhibition for 28 days from 29 October until 26 November 2019. You can read more about the application and the public responses to the application on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment website.
Landcom is currently finalising the Response to Submissions report which will be lodged with the Department in mid 2020. It is expected that the Department will review all the information provided and deliver a decision in the second half of 2020.
Vision for the site
Our vision is a vibrant community, whose outdoor living room is Elizabeth Macarthur Creek. Connected and dynamic, the precinct offers the convenience and amenity of inner city living amongst the bushland setting of Sydney’s northwest.
Key aspects of the Environmental Impact Statement are summarised here.
What is the Environmental Impact Statement about?
The Kellyville Station Precinct, Environmental Impact Statement contains information about the proposed development and an assessment of possible environmental impacts. Key aspects of the Environmental Impact Statement are summarised below.
Planning approval is sought for:
- between 1,410 and 1,804 dwellings, which includes a maximum residential gross floor area of up to 153,372 square metres
- a maximum retail gross floor area of up to 10,047 square metres
- maximum building heights of 50 metres in accordance with The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012
- design guidelines to govern future development including design principles, maximum building heights, building and street wall setbacks and heights, and car parking rates
- street hierarchy and layouts including pedestrian and vehicle access.
The concept State Significant Development Application fully complies with planning controls which allow for residential, retail and commercial uses.
A snapshot of the Environmental Impact Statement
The Environmental Impact Statement considers a range of environmental impacts and how any impacts can be mitigated. A short summary is provided below of a number of the key issues considered. More detail on each is provided in the full submission on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website. The full report also includes stormwater and flooding, noise and vibration, heritage, utilities, infrastructure and services.
Land use
The area immediately surrounding Kellyville Station is planned as an active, inviting Town Centre, with spaces for shops, cafes and businesses at street level to provide easy access to daily services for commuters, residents and workers. A generous open space is planned as part of the Town Centre. A sizeable retail space is included close to Kellyville Station which could be used as a supermarket to meet the needs of future residents and commuters.
Traffic and transport
Traffic and transport
Landcom as master-developer of the precinct will deliver a number of road upgrades to contribute to the mitigation of the traffic impacts of the proposed developments. The Environmental Impact Statement details the proposed upgrades. The roadwork improvements immediately surrounding the precinct will be delivered in stages.
The proposal encourages sustainable transport use by providing a range of housing close world class public transport, reducing the reliance on private vehicles. A shared walking and cycling path is planned along Elizabeth Macarthur Creek with a potential bridge over Memorial Avenue into Bella Vista and linking northwards to Caddies Creek. A proposed vehicle bridge and pedestrian footbridge over Elizabeth Macarthur Creek will improve access to the precinct for residents.
Open spaces
It is planned that no home in the precinct will be more than 200-400 metres from the proposed open spaces, which includes a mix of smaller and more generous public spaces. A central neighbourhood park of approximately 6,600 square metres will provide a focal point for the new community and two smaller open spaces form an extension of the Elizabeth Macarthur Creek corridor.
Where possible, remnant areas of Cumberland Plain Woodland and existing mature trees of significance will be retained and integrated into the landscape masterplan to enhance the green character of the precinct.
Design quality
The proposed building layout provides a transition of building heights with taller buildings of up to 15 storeys in the Town Centre closest to Kellyville Station, up to 12 storeys in the middle part of the precinct and six storeys along Elizabeth Macarthur Creek. The proposed building layout maximises sunlight into public spaces, communal areas, streets and residential buildings.
To create a welcoming place that is appealing from the street level, proposed street types include a landscaped verge between the public path and street boundary. Wide footpaths around parks and community gardens provide opportunities for central meeting places and for retail spaces to connect with people walking past.
Ecologically Sustainable Development
The proposed building layout aims to minimise the impact of sun to the western side of buildings, maximise cross ventilation and reduce energy use associated with air conditioning.
Objectives to reduce heat impacts will be met through street planting and landscaping, rooftop gardens, and the use of cool materials for pavement and roof surfaces.
The proposal includes water sensitive urban design initiatives such as raingardens – a small garden usually along a path or beside a street, that uses soil, plants and microbes to treat stormwater before it has a chance to pollute nearby creeks.
Housing types
The proposal allows for a range of housing types to meet the needs of young professionals, downsizers, young families and single person households. This could include shop-top housing, units of different sizes, units over multiple levels and terrace style housing.
The proposal includes 5% Affordable Housing for very low, low and moderate households where rent is less than 30% of overall household income, in line with Landcom’s Housing Affordability and Diversity Policy. Affordable Housing is managed by a Community Housing Provider for a minimum 10 years.