Hills Showground
Frequently asked questions
Is there going to open spaces as part of the Hills Showground Station Precinct?
A new 3,200m2 neighbourhood park will be delivered as part of the Hills Showground Precinct East. The park will become an important ‘leafy shared backyard’ where the community can relax, exercise, play, be creative or meet with friends and family.
This is in addition to the public plaza which is currently under construction by Deicorp as part of the Doran Drive Precinct.
Who will deliver the Park?
The park will be delivered by Deicorp who are currently constructing Doran Drive Precinct and the Hills Showground East Precinct.
Was there community consultation undertaken as part of the design for the park?
In 2021, consultation was held with the community to provide valuable feedback into designs for the park. The community feedback received is outlined in the community engagement outcomes report, and is also in the prepared summary of how community feedback shaped the design.
How will the park be accessible and inclusive?
The design will consider the NSW State Government’s Everyone Can Play guidelines, which is a toolkit that assists in the design of world-class inclusive play spaces. We carefully considered the overall park layout and configuration, locations and materials of play equipment, pathways, signage, seating and tables so these features are inclusive and accessible.
What heights will buildings be?
The approved concept proposal is consistent with the permissible maximum building height of 68 metres, which allows for buildings up to 20 storeys.
The design of buildings will be determined during the detailed design phase, as part of future development applications. The development applications will be placed on public exhibition to give the community an opportunity to provide feedback.
How has traffic been considered?
A maximum of 1,782 residential car parking spaces (including visitor parking) is permissible. The number of car parking spaces reflects that the precinct is designed to enable the local community to walk, cycle and use public transport.
How will Castle Hill Showground be considered in the development?
The Urban Design Guidelines include design controls for buildings that face onto the Castle Hill Showground. The controls provide for a stepped down approach to provide an appropriate transition of building heights to be human scale at the street level and to promote high quality architectural designs.
When will construction commence?
Construction is subject approval as part of each detailed design for each precinct. Landcom’s development partners will prepare and lodge their detailed design State Significant Development Application with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, which will require further stakeholder and community consultation.
Our first development partner is Deicorp, are managing the delivery of the Doran Drive Precinct and the Hills Showground East Precinct
What consideration has been made for a new school?
School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) has confirmed that a new primary school is required to meet future demand generated within the wider Hills Showground area. SINSW is undertaking a detailed review of accommodation needs and is considering options for the location of the new primary school including access to appropriate open space.
Will there be opportunities for future community consultation ?
The community will have more opportunities to comment on future development proposals when our development partners submit detailed designs for each precinct. These applications will comply with the approved concept plan.