EOI called for new transit oriented community at Kellyville
EOI called for new transit oriented community at Kellyville
Landcom is calling for Expressions of Interest to deliver a transit oriented, mixed use development that will maximise the benefits of the new turn up and go metro services at Kellyville Station.
Landcom Chief Executive Officer John Brogden said the call to deliver Stage 1 of the Kellyville Project was the first site offered on the site, as part of Landcom’s Sydney Metro Northwest Places Program.
“Landcom has partnered with Sydney Metro to develop government land around Sydney Metro Northwest stations to create new places for communities and businesses,” Mr Brogden said.
“The Sydney Metro Northwest Places Program will enable Landcom to take a lead role in improving the supply, diversity and affordability of new housing in Sydney.
“Landcom is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified developers to deliver Stage 1 of the Kellyville Project, which includes a minimum five per cent Affordable Rental Housing, a mix of housing types to meet the needs of people at different life stages, and Landcom’s social, environmental and economic sustainability commitments.
“When delivered, the entire Kellyville Project will provide an estimated 2,500 dwellings and up to 10,000m² of retail, commercial, and public spaces right next to the new Kellyville Station.
“This will enable residents to live, work, shop and relax within the precinct, and the new metro will be at their doorstep, providing services every four minutes in the peak.”
The Expressions of Interest process will be run through Colliers International and close on 17 December 2018. An Invitation to Tender for successful short-listed developers will follow. A contract is expected to be awarded in 2019.
“As masterplanner for the site, Landcom will work with the local community, The Hills Shire Council, Department of Planning and Environment, other government agencies, and businesses to develop a concept plan for the Kellyville project,” Mr Brogden said.
“This will guide the appointed developer through future detailed planning stages, ensure design excellence and high-quality places, and be consistent with planning controls, including height and floor space ratios, as set by the Department of Planning and Environment in 2017.
“Transport, traffic and site accessibility studies will be undertaken as part of finalising a concept plan, and Landcom will work closely with Transport for NSW, Sydney Metro and Roads and Maritime Services to ensure the proposal maximises the benefits of the new metro.
“Landcom will also explore options to improve pedestrian and cycling connections through the precinct, as well as enhancements to surrounding residential suburbs.”
Sydney Metro Northwest will commence services in the second quarter of 2019.