EOI called for new community around Hills Showground metro station
EOI called for new community around Hills Showground metro station
Landcom is calling for Expressions of Interest to deliver a mixed use local centre next to the future Hills Showground metro station, the next stage in the Sydney Metro Northwest Places project.
Landcom Chief Executive Officer John Brogden said the site at 1-5 Carrington Road, Castle Hill met the NSW Government’s direction for the organisation to take a lead role in improving the supply, diversity and affordability of new housing in Sydney.
“Landcom, on behalf of Transport for NSW, is seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified developers to deliver the first mixed use superlot adjacent to the future Hills Showground Station,” Mr Brogden said.
“Landcom has partnered with Transport for NSW to develop government land around Sydney Metro Northwest stations to create new places for families, businesses and communities.
“The Castle Hill site is the first within the Hills Showground Project.
“The broader project will see potential for more than 1,600 dwellings and 10,000m2 of retail, commercial, and spaces for community use right next to the new Hills Showground Station.
“This will enable residents to live, work, shop and relax within the precinct.
“The mixed use development will feature a range of housing types that meet the needs of different households and will demonstrate a commitment to best practice transit-oriented development.
“The development will include an Affordable Housing component, so the Castle Hill site will bring much needed housing for low to medium income workers.”
Mr Brogden said the Hills Showground development was the second site of a wider program to transform government land around the new metro stations of Tallawong, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Norwest, Castle Hill and Cherrybrook.
An Expression of Interest was called for the Cudgegong Road Station South site, recently renamed Tallawong Station, in March 2018. An Invitation to Tender is expected to be issued later this year.
“Sydney Metro Northwest Places is a 10-year program that will deliver about 11,000 new dwellings, parks, community facilities and up to 400,000m2 of floor space dedicated to employment opportunities in retail and commercial enterprises, supporting new and future residents living along the Sydney Metro Northwest corridor,” Mr Brogden said.
“As masterplanner for the site, Landcom will work with the local community, The Hills Shire Council, Department of Planning and Environment, other government organisations, and businesses to finalise a concept proposal for the Hills Showground Project.
“This will guide the successful development partner to prepare detailed development plans for the site.”
The development is being marketed through Knight Frank, and Expressions of Interest will close at 3pm on 16 July, 2018. An Invitation to Tender is expected to be issued late this year, with a contract to be awarded early next year.
Sydney Metro services start in Sydney’s north west in the first half of 2019.
Visit the Sydney Metro Northwest Places project page for more information.