Expressions of Interest from professional artists
Landcom is calling for expressions of interest from professional artists to submit an artwork concept design. Successful concept designs will be developed into digital files, printed and displayed hoardings across its Sydney Metro Northwest Places, adjacent to the new Stations.
Following a successful first round of creative hoarding projects, the second round will feature five curated works, which seek to enliven and activate the Sydney Metro Northwest Places, creating community connection and place identity.
Local community engagement is integral to the success of this second round of creative hoarding. Concepts should connect with Northwest communities by reflecting the social, cultural, historical or environmental aspects of their lives. Artworks must address local context by using the Sydney Metro Northwest Places thematic framework (The Network) to guide creative responses to the brief.
Artists from Northwest Sydney and beyond are invited to respond to the Artist Brief with their submission by 31 May 2021.
Learn more about the opportunity and submission requirements.