Development opportunities
Previous opportunities
On this page, you will find a listing of previous development opportunities. This includes a range of market opportunities including expressions of interests, invitation to tenders, and requests for proposal for development opportunities.
Bella Vista Site B4.0 - Invitation to Tender
Landcom on behalf of Sydney Metro are seeking respondents to our Invitation to Tender ("ITT") to acquire an E1 Local centre zoned site located at 9-11 Mawson Avenue, Bella Vista NSW 2153. referred to as B4.0 (“The Site”).
B4.0 is a single super lot site approximately 6,979m2 in area and is within 100m walking distance to Bella Vista Station. The approved Bella Vista Station Precinct State Significant Development Application secured concept approval for a maximum residential gross floor area (GFA) of approximately 39,395m2* including an estimated residential yield of 467* dwellings, and a maximum building height across the site of 40m and 68m.
Terry Road Invitation to Tender
Landcom on behalf of Sydney Metro are seeking respondents to our Invitation to Tender ("ITT") to acquire a medium density residential development opportunity within close proximity to Tallawong and Rouse Hill stations at 93 Schofields Road, Rouse Hill and land on Cudgegong and Terry Road, Rouse Hill known as the Tallawong Station Terry Road Precinct (“Terry Rd”).
ITT submissions must be made by 5pm AEDT, Wednesday 27 November 2024.
Hills Showground Precinct East: 3 Andalusian Way, Castle Hill
Invitation to tender to deliver a state significant residential development within proximity of the Hills Showground Station. The site has an approved State Significant Development Application concept masterplan for a maximum gross floor area (GFA) of approximately 86,275m² and supports an indicative yield of 873 dwellings. Within this yield there will be a requirement to provide a minimum 5% Affordable Housing and to deliver a minimum of 3,200m2 of quality open space.
ITT period: 30 January to 3 March 2023.
Appointed Developer: Deicorp see our Hills Showground page for more information.
Norwest: 25-31 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest
Invitation to tender to acquire a mixed-use commercial development opportunity adjacent to Norwest Station. At the heart of the established Norwest Business Park, the landmark site provides approximately 9,404 m2 of developable land and the potential of up to 52,000 m2 gross floor area.
ITT period: 18 May to 17 June 2022.
Appointed developer: MULPHA. See our Norwest page for further information.
Epping: 242 – 244 Beecroft Road, Epping
Invitation to tender to deliver a mixed-use development at 242 - 244 Beecroft Road, Epping. The site has an approved Concept State Significant Development Application for a maximum 38,700m² of gross floor area, comprising up to 37,700m² of residential gross floor area (up to 432 units) and between 750 m² and 1000m² of non-residential gross floor area.
ITT period: 15 February to 15 March 2021.
Appointed developer: DASCO. See our Epping page for further information.
Hills Showground: 1 – 5 Carrington Road, Castle Hill
Expression of Interest to deliver a mixed local use centre next to the future Hills Showground Station.
EOI period: 4 June to 16 July 2018.
Appointed developer: Deicorp. See our Hills Showground page for further information.
Tallawong: 75 - 81 Schofields Road, Rouse Hill
Expressions of Interest to deliver around 1,100 dwellings and 9,000m2 spaces for retail, commercial, and community use close to Tallawong Station.
EOI period: 1 March to 10 April 2018.
Appointed developer: Deicorp. See our Tallawong page for further information.