What's on
What's on at Bella Vista Pocket Park
How to get to Bella Vista Pocket Park
Next to Bella Vista Metro Station South
Bella Vista Pocket Park is a space for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a place to relax, exercise, catch up with your friends and family, walk your dog, enjoy a picnic, or take part in our fun range of activities, this is the perfect spot.
You can find the park conveniently located next to Bella Vista Station the southern end of Bella Vista Station plaza (if travelling by the metro, use the southern exit). Once you arrive, Bella Vista Pocket Park features a colourful immersive painted mural 'The Golden Hour' by Muralisto.
Bella Vista Pocket Park is a non-smoking venue.
Contacting us
- to report an emergency, please call 000
- to speak to someone about the metro or Bella Vista Station, please call 131 500
- to raise a maintenance issue, please email landandassets@landcom.nsw.gov.au
- to ask a question about the Pocket Park, please email sydneymetronorthwest@landcom.nsw.gov.au.
Bella Vista Pocket Park Opening Celebration
Looking for more to do around Bella Vista Station?
Take a stroll around Bella Vista Station to discover fitness workouts, beauty treatments and bites to eat
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some FAQs that will help make your visit the Bella Vista Pocket Park an enjoyable one.
What is the size/space available at the pocket park?
The Bella Vista Pocket Park is over 1000m2.
Is there shelter at the park?
A small shelter has been installed to cover park benches at Bella Vista Pocket Park.
The shelter provides some cover from the elements; however, it would not provide sufficient cover for large groups and activities.
Are there storage facilities available at the park?
There are no storage facilities available at Bella Vista pocket parks.
Where can I find toilets?
Toilets are located inside the metro station. You will need your Opal card or debit/credit card to access the toilets. You will not be charged if your time is under 10 minutes.
Is there parking available at each station?
Please note that parking availability is subject to availability.
Bella Vista Station: 800 car spaces, 24 motorcycle spaces and 25 bike spaces. The car park is managed by the rail operator, Metro Trains Sydney.
Street parking is available around the metro station including along Mawson and Florey Avenues (timing restrictions apply).
To avoid disappointment, you are encouraged to use the Sydney Metro and bus services. Visit transportsnsw.info or phone 131 500.
What’s on at Tallawong
Deicorp has partnered with Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre to deliver a program of activities at their Tallawong Village Sales and Information Centre, including some activities previously held at the temporary Tallawong Pocket Park. These Landcom supported activities include: