Planning proposal approval
In December 2018, Landcom, on behalf of Sydney Metro, lodged a Planning Proposal with The Hills Shire Council. The Planning Proposal sought approval to amend some of the planning controls in The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2019 to realise the vision for the site, including changes to floor space ratios, building heights, minimum lot size and permissible uses.
In December 2021, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces approved the Planning Proposal, and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment published a notification to agree to an amendment (Amendment 23) to The Hills Shire Local Environmental Plan 2019. The amendment will facilitate 52,000m2 of non-residential floor space. View the amendment here.
We released the site to market as a competitive tender in 2022 and Mulpha was appointed the development partner who si currently preparing a development application with Council for the future development. The Urban Design Report (.pdf 80Mb) includes an illustrative development concept for the site.
*Image: Indicative artist impression, subject to change and planning proposals.